ORV Rules & Regulations - Trails
ORV Definition
Wyoming Statute 31-1-101(K):
Type 1: "A recreational vehicle primarily designed for off-road use which is fifty (50) inches or less in width, and has an unladen weight of one thousand one hundred (1,100) pounds or less; (Effective July 1, 2011)"
Type 2: "Any unlicensed motorcycle which has an unladen weight of six hundred (600) pounds or less and is designed to be ridden off road with the operator astride upon a seat or saddle and travels on two (2) tires."
Type 3: "Any multi-wheeled motorized vehicle not required by law to be licensed and is designed for cross-country travel on or over land, sand, snow, ice or other natural terrain and which has an unladen weight of more than nine hundred (900) pounds."
The Wyoming State ORV Program has worked with the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, BLM, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the Office of State Lands and the Wyoming Division of State Parks and Historic Sites to identify roads, trails and open areas. Enrollment decisions are the responsibility of each land managing agency at the local level, not the State Trails Program. Maps provided to you by the State ORV Program should be considered only as a guide since designations by local land managers will continue to evolve and are subject to either addition or deletion at any time. Please visit the local land manager's office to get the most current ORV designation information and refer to their travel management maps.
General Enrollment Guidelines
As a general guideline, enrollments of roads, trails and open areas in the State ORV Program, as of Spring 2003, for each agency are as follows:
Forest Service: refer to one of the eight State ORV Maps and to local Forest travel maps; always check with local Forest Service offices for the most up-to-date information. Travel within campgrounds for ingress/egress only.
BLM: enrollments are still in progress; check with local BLM offices and refer to BLM maps.
Wyoming Game and Fish Habitat Management Areas: all established roads and trails open for ORV travel are enrolled. No off-road or off-trail travel allowed.
State Trust Lands: all established roads and trails open for ORV travel. No off-road or off-trail travel allowed.
State Parks: In all reservoir parks and at Medicine Lodge State Archeological Site, ORV travel permitted on all existing roads and all roads are enrolled. Travel within campgrounds for ingress/egress only. Contact park staff regarding any open areas or travel below the high water mark.
County Roads: Fremont and Carbon counties have enrolled some roads. Please check with local land managing agency for further information.
Rules & Regulations
NOTE: As you read the following regulations, it is important to note the difference between ROADS and TRAILS. The land managers who administer the roads and trails are also responsible for their distinction. Any designated TRAIL that has been enrolled in the ORV program will require the state ORV sticker, regardless if the vehicle is street legal. ROADS that have been enrolled in the state ORV Program require either being street legal OR have the state ORV sticker - however, you will still need to meet the requirements set forth in the "ORV DEFINITION SECTION" that is listed above.
Enrolled Roads & Trails
On ROADS, all ATVs, MPV ( Multi Purpose Vehicles ) and motorcycles; including those owned by nonresidents, are required to either be street legal and display a MPV license plate or, if the roadway has been identified as part of the Wyoming ORV( Off Road Recreational Vehicle) Program, they may be operated upon the roadway with only a current Wyoming ORV Permit. If the vehicle has a (MPV) license plate it may be operated upon any roadway in Wyoming except interstates and a Wyoming ORV permit is NOT required. If the vehicle displays only the Wyoming ORV Permit, then it maybe operated only upon those roadways identified as part of the Wyoming ORV Program. If you should need further information regarding Multipurpose Vehicles (MPV) call 307-777-3815 or visit www.dot.state.wy.us.
When on ROADS (state, county, local, or other) that are not part of the Wyoming ORV Program, an ORV or MPV may be operated only if it is street legal and has a (MPV) license plate; the operator must have a valid operator's license, carry proof of liability insurance. If the (MPV) is incapable of achieving the maximum speed allowed on the specific highway, it SHALL be operated on the extreme right hand edge of the roadway and SHALL be equipped with either a reflectorized flag as described in W.S. 31-5-960 (a) (vi) or a slow moving Multipurpose Vehicles designed for operation at less than twenty- five (25) miles per hour SHALL be equipped with a slow moving vehicle emblem as described in W.S. 31-5-921(h).
When operated upon motorized TRAILS or AREAS identified as part of the Wyoming ORV Program, all ORVs or MPVs including those owned by nonresidents, are required to display a current Wyoming ORV Permit. A current Wyoming ORV Permit is required to operate upon these trails and areas even if the ORV also has a (MPV) or street legal license plate, since trails and enrolled areas are not "streets or highways" for which the license plate was issued. Not all MPVs are allowed on designated TRAILS. Consult local or area land managers for information on possible width or weight restrictions.
When on ROADS (USFS, BLM, State Park, or other) identified as part of the Wyoming ORV Program, operators must have a valid operator license, carry proof of liability insurance; the ORV must display a current Wyoming ORV Permit and have operational brake lights, tail lights, headlamps; if operated from 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise.
Any operator of an ORV or MPV traveling on ROADS must have a valid operator license, carry proof of liability insurance, regardless of enrollment in the Wyoming ORV Program. However, if an operator is on a designated TRAIL is enrolled in the Wyoming ORV Program; there is no driver's license requirement, provided the ORV displays a current Wyoming ORV Permit.
ORVs and MPVs are mostly restricted to travel upon only established ROADS and TRAILS. They may be operated upon public lands only when on roads, trails or areas identified as "open" for motorized travel by the appropriate local land manager. Contact the local land manager's office to verify what is open for ORV or MPV use.
Due to federal land management policy not all MPVs are allowed on some designated TRAILS. If the MPV exceeds 50 inches in width or if the vehicle exceeds the allowable weight- the vehicle may not be allowed on some designated TRAILS. Consult the local or area land manager for further information.
It is your responsibility to obtain and carry a current travel management or motor vehicle use map from the land managing agency. It is also your responsibility to know all current travel restrictions and prohibitions.
- It is unlawful to molest, stir up, rally or drive, in any manner, any game animals or game birds with a motorized vehicle.
- It is unlawful to shoot from or across the traveled portion, shoulders or embankments of any road maintained by a government entity.
- It is illegal to operate an ATV or trail bike off trail or on any trail area closed to that specific type of vehicle as designated by the land management agency or land owner. Please check with the local land manager regarding seasonal closures and any gated roads.
- Operating an ATV or trail bike off roads or trails in a manner that damages or unreasonably disturbs the land, wildlife, or vegetative resources is prohibited.
- ATVs and trail bikes must be equipped with approved and operating spark arresting mufflers and comply with sound regulations.
- No person may enter private land to hunt, fish or trap, with out permission.
- Share the trails.
- Have respect for other users. Slow down or stop your ORV when you approach others on the trail. When meeting equestrians, approach slowly, pull over and stop, turn off your engine, remove your helmet and ask how best to proceed.
- Be part of the solution. Volunteer to help maintain trails and protect our natural resources. Join an organized club in your area.
- Protect your right to ride. Remember, less sound equals more ground.
- If you "pack it in, pack it out". Trash is an eyesore and it attracts scavengers that endanger other wildlife.
- Remember, even biodegradable materials, such as food scraps, take time to break down.
- Respect the rights of others on trails. One little blip of the throttle can leave a shower of gravel or a cloud of dust - and an enemy behind you.
- Respect seasonal closures. Animals need time to reproduce and raise their young undisturbed.
- View animals from a distance. When they flee they use valuable energy reserves.
- Avoid wet areas and waterways. They are a vital resource for many plants and animals. If you must cross water, ride carefully and only at designated spots.
- Remember, cutting switchbacks and taking shortcuts damages trails and causes erosion.
- The State Trails Program is actively working with other state and federal land management agencies to identify ORV roads, trails, and open riding areas. PLEASE CONTACT THE LOCAL FOREST SERVICE AND BLM OFFICES FOR INFORMATION REGARDING ROADS, TRAILS, AND AREAS DESIGNATED FOR ORV USE.
- Designated ORV roads and trails will change from year-to-year and it is important that you contact the local land managers for the most recent ORV enrollments.
- Please contact the local federal land manager for more information regarding winter or other seasonal closures.
- Any signing or closed gates on-the-ground take precedence over any roads shown on this map.
Noxious Weeds & ORV'S
- Noxious weeds are becoming a bigger problem in Wyoming and the region. As they spread, they can degrade wildlife habitat by crowding out native vegetation; cause increased soil erosion; decrease water quality; lower land values; poison wildlife, livestock and humans; cost millions of taxpayer and private landowner dollars to control them; and clog or foul rivers and irrigation ditches.
- Sometimes these noxious weeds are unknowingly spread by people who have no intention of causing these problems. This can easily occur when vehicles are driven through a patch of noxious weeds. Weed seeds can be caught in tire treads, picked up in mud, be lodged in the radiator or the underside of the vehicle and, later, fall off in some other location, starting a new infestation.
- By thoroughly washing your ORVs and transport trailers before and after a ride, you will help prevent the noxious weeds from spreading.
Tread Lightly
I pledge to tread lightly by:
- Traveling only where motorized vehicles are permitted.
- Respecting the rights of hikers, equestrians, campers, and other to enjoy their activities undisturbed.
- Educating myself by obtaining travel maps and regulations from public agencies, complying with signs and barriers, and asking owners' permission to cross private property.
- Avoiding streams, lakeshores, meadows, muddy roads and trails, steep hillsides, and wildlife and livestock.
- Driving responsibly to protect the environment and preserve opportunities to enjoy my vehicle on wild lands.
Travel on the National Forest

Forest Primary Road. Road marked with this type of route marker are the Forest arterials that are generally suited for low clearance vehicles such as sedans, trailers, and motorhomes. These roads provide connections to other Forest arterials, county roads, or state highways.

Forest Secondary Road. Roads marked with this type of route marker are also suitable for low-clearance vehicles, but are usually maintained at a lower standard than Forest arterial roads.

Low Standard Roads. Roads marked with this type of route marker are suitable for high-clearance trucks and sport utility vehicles. ATV's and trail motorcycles are authorized on all open low standard road.

White Arrow Road. Within restricted areas, roads open to motorized vehicles are marked with this type of open route marker.
Travel - Medicine Bow National Forest
The Medicine Bow National Forest has established travel management regulations to enable safe motorized travel while protecting natural resources and minimizing conflicts with users. Please familiarize yourself with the rules noted here and posted at Forest Service offices and on the ground. If you have any questions, ask us. By understanding and observing these regulations you will have a more enjoyable visit to the Medicine Bow National Forest.
The regulations shown on this map are general in nature and apply broadly throughout the Medicine Bow National Forest. Changing conditions may require to forest supervisor to issue regulations that supplement or differ from those in this publication. Modifications will be posted in the Forest supervisor's office, District Rangers offices, and the affected sites. See the back panel for a list of these offices.
Travel management and special closure regulations have been established for a variety of reasons. Some areas, roads, or trails are closed to provide non-motorized activity such as hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding. Some roads are closed to reduce maintenance costs or to provide more effective summer or winter habitat. Some roads may be closed at certain times of the year to prevent damage to the road or surrounding area terrain because of wet conditions. Please check with the local district office or Forest Supervisors Office for specific area guidance.
Designated Wilderness Areas (Encampment River, Huston Park, Platte River, and Savage Run) are permanently closed to motorized vehicles and mechanized equipment including bicycles and snowmobiles. These areas are indicated by a darker green color on the map.
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