Non-Motorized - Trails
About – The Wyoming State Trails Non-Motorized Program, created in 2009, is responsible for trails maintenance and construction within our jurisdiction. We also help local trail grass groups with resources and offer assistance where needed. We partner with local organizations in fatbike planning and RTP grant assistance.
Programs WyVTC – In 2017, the Wyoming State Trails Program is partnering with the University of Wyoming and have developed a “Veteran’s Trail Crew Program.” This program was designed with the sole intention of reintroducing Veteran’s into civilian life. In many cases, but not all, military personnel have adapted into wartime lifestyles and self and troop protection is first and foremost.
This program was developed to be a transitional program and designed to be the “next step.” Trail work by nature is difficult and is a team activity which veterans are used to. They camp and work together from May to August in a natural outdoor setting. Along with others of similar experiences, this can be a place to “unwind.” They can reflect and talk about their experiences during the day and work out the challenges of “what’s next.” For some it may be college or a trade school and this is reachable with the GI bill where they meet new friends and are introduced to new ideas. This program pays a stipend and gives educational credit. The programs main goal is to assist veterans in finding a newfound purpose, community and sense of self.
Giving back to those who gave everything is why this program exists. Thank you to ALL veterans!
Support your Clubs and Organizations
- Lander Cycling Club https://landercycling.org/
- Cycle Wyoming http://www.cyclewyoming.org/
- Laramie Bike net http://www.laramiebikenet.org/pledge.html
- Outdoor Program at UW http://www.uwyo.edu/rec/outdoor-program/
- Overland Mountain Bike Club http://overlandmtb.org/
- Casper trails
http://bikecasper.com - Central Wyoming Trails Alliance www.caspertrails.com
- Platte River Trails https://landercycling.org/
- Wyoming pathways http://www.wyopath.org/
- Sheridan https://sheridanclt.org/
- Dubois http://duboistrails.org/
- Sundance Chain Gang http://www.scgmba.org/
- Casper trails alliance http://www.caspertrails.com/
Outdoor Recreation Task Force
Federal Land Managing Agencies
USFS https://www.fs.fed.us/
BLM https://www.blm.gov/wyoming
NPS https://www.nps.gov/state/wy/index.htm
Donations and Funding
The primary funding source for trails
This program would not be where it is today with the assistance from the Recreational Trails Program, the Land and Water Conservation Fund and private donations.
Current Projects for 2018
Fort Phil Kearny: 2 miles of bicycle trails. Must complete a Cultural Survey before work starts
Hot Springs: Hot Springs Master Plan identified the Western Region for expansion of hiking and biking trails.
Completed Projects for 2017
Curt Gowdy, plans include finishing the trail (shoreline) around the northern end of Granite Reservoir that was started last year by the Wyoming Conservation Corps. We will also build a small bridge over a drainage on the same trail.
Glendo State Park Trails – This year we are adding an additional toilet at the dam overlook as well as a group picnic shelter.
Duncan Ranch – Trail construction began in July with an initial length of 6 miles. This has been completed. The trail is rough and we will be looking for volunteers to help fix up the rough spots for next year as well as add an additional 4 miles to the trail.
Curt Gowdy State Park
Curt Gowdy State Park began building trails in 2006 and by 2012 there were over 35 of trails available to hikers, bikers and equestrian users. These trails, just like the Glendo State Park Trails, were created based on a desire to diversify the park systems. In the past, people who did not boat, fish or camp had no reason to visit our parks. Visitation at Curt Gowdy has tripled over the last ten years from 50,000 to 162,000. In 2009 the trails system was designated as an EPIC trail system by the International Mountain Bicycling Association.
Glendo State Park
Glendo State Park boasts nearly 50 miles of single track trails. The trail system was designed to be a diverse system from the beginner to the expert. The trails are located on the eastern and southern boundaries of the park. The longest trail, Narrows Bluff Trail, is a six miles from the Dam Overlook to Sandy Beach. A pump track had been installed at Two Moon Campground (trailhead) and is surrounded by 3 miles of entry level trails with incredible views overlooking Glendo Reservoir.
While this trail system is nearly complete, we will continue to build trail from the Glendo Marina towards the Whiskey fee booth. In addition, plans are being finalized to complete the trail system in the sand draw area.
Bear River Trails https://www.trailforks.com/region/rio-oso-15306/?lat=41.257663&lon=-110.924797&z=16&m=trailforks
Wyoming Trails Advisory Council - http://wyoparks.state.wy.us/index.php/trails-advisory-council-trails
Statewide Trail events
National Trails Day http://nationaltrailsday.americanhiking.org/
First Day Hikes https://americanhiking.org/first-day-hikes/
Stone Temple 8
Gowdy Grinder http://gowdygrinder.com/
24 Hour Race at Glendo http://www.twomoon24.com/
Interpretive Trails
Fort Bridger State Historic Site
Fort Fetterman State Historic Site
Fort Phil Kearney State Historic Site
Hot Springs State Park
Medicine Lodge State Archaeological Site
Seminoe State Park
Fort Steele State Historic Site
Accessible Trails ABA/ADA
Curt Gowdy Kate’s Trail is a 1 mile concrete trail starting and finishing at the Visitor Center. This trail gives folks with disabilities an opportunity to view natural areas of the park.
Archery Trails at Curt Gowdy
One of the earliest recreation developments in this area, that is now known as Curt Gowdy State Park, is the archery field course. In was developed in the 1960’s by the Cheyenne Field Archers. The course meets National Field Archery Association standards as a 28 target field course. The 2 mile archery course is set in a natural wooded environment. The trail is of moderate difficulty on variable terrain.
If your club, friends group, or association would like to have a trails volunteer day, we have a fully stocked trailer with tools for 100 volunteers. Let us know how we can help!
Contact Information
Caleb Owen
Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites & Trails
Non-Motorized Trails Program Coordinator
Mobile: (307) 274-6637
More Information