Welcome to Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites and Trails (SPHST) new searchable GIS-based Monuments and Markers (M&M) Database. This program has been created to aid the viewer in searching for information on Wyoming’s rich geological features, historical events, and people who have shaped Wyoming’s rich history.
For more information on how you can help protect these resources, please contact CarlyAnn Carruthers at 307.777.6968 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
More Information: (Forms, Brochures, & Files)
- Advisory Committee Meeting Materials
- Interpretive Plans and Brochures
- Nominate a Marker
- Monuments and Markers Handbook & Forms
- Stewardship Program Overview
- Historic Mine Trail and Byway Program
- Monuments and Markers Stewardship Condition Form
- Monuments and Markers Database User Guide
- Stewardship Handbook
- Donation Form