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Register Cliff State Historic Site

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About Our Site - Register Cliff Historic Site

Register Cliff State Historic Site (RCSHS) represents one of the best “trail registers in the desert.” Countless emigrants inscribed their names, dates, places of origin and messages into the soft sandstone cliffs. During the peak of the westward movement of the 1840’s and 1850’s, Register Cliff was an important landmark along the California, Oregon and Mormon trails. Situated a day’s travel west of Fort Laramie, the Register Cliff area was an important stopover and resting area for weary travelers to set up camp, to rest, and to pasture their animals. With the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869 wagon train activity along the trails diminished.


In 1880 cattleman Charles Guernsey established his ranch at the base of Register Cliff. The Guernsey Cattle Company would operate in the area until 1926. Subsequently the Henry Frederick family would settle in the area where the family ranching activities continue to this today. Henry Frederick gifted the Register Cliff to the State of Wyoming in 1932. In 1970 the site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The RCSHS area is managed and operated by Guernsey State Park.


Register Cliffs Historic Site - Welcome to our new website!

March 28, 2017

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Site Status



Historic site and archaeological resources are protected by law.
It is illegal to deface the sites to include writing on or carving in the cliff face.

Violators are subject to arrest and fines. If you see something, say something, call 1-800-442-2767.

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This is private property, stay on designated road. No camping.
Speed Limit is 15 mph. Watch for falling rock and snakes.






Register Cliff State Historic Site is open throughout the year from sunrise to sunset.



Phone Number







 Register Cliff Historic Site
 Unnamed Rd
 Guernsey, WY 82214

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