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Historic Governors' Mansion

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About Our Site - Historic Governors' Mansion


As the first residence provided for governors and their families, the Wyoming Historic Governors' Mansion takes pride in our mission to preserve and interpret the history of the people who lived here between 1905 and 1976. 

We strive to constantly bring change to the Mansion, updating rooms and exhibits to fit the seasons and what's going on in town. 

Every year, we offer many exciting events; inclulding teas, events out on our lawns, and more! 

Our dedicated staff is passionate about Wyoming's history, and will eagerly share anything you'd want to know about this fascinating hsitoric site, so drop in and give us a visit!



13th Annual Egg Hunt at Historic Governors' Mansion


Thirteenth Annual Egg Hunt at the Historic Governors’ Mansion!

Children ages 2-4 are invited to the Wyoming Historic Governors’ Mansion on April 8 for the 13th Annual Egg Hunt.

Join staff and volunteers 9 a.m. sharp for an Egg Hunt on the Historic Governors’ Mansion grounds where more than 1,200 eggs will be “hidden” for children to find and gather. Each egg will be stuffed with goodies, including a fact about the Mansion or Wyoming history!

Make sure to arrive early as this event is free and eggs go extremely quickly! Ribbons are cut at 9 a.m. sharp!

Guests are also encouraged to bring their own baskets, and to dress for whatever weather Spring in Wyoming can bring.

For questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Mansion staff at: 307-777-7878. 



View Events for Laramie District:




Site Status


Hours: The Mansion is currently operating under our Spring/Summer hours: Wednesday through Saturday, 9am to 5pm. 

Special Events: Join us for special events year-round! Follow us on social media for the latest and most up-to-date information as to when we'll be open to the public, Teas, events, and more! 

For Questions, comments, or to schedule a tour, please call us at: 307-777-7878




Please see 'Site Status' above. 



Phone Number







 Wyoming Historic Governors' Mansion
 300 E 21st St
 Cheyenne, WY 82001

↪ Get Directions

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