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Sunnyside Trail Project

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Sunnyside Trail Project - Sinks Canyon

  • About
  • Documents
  • Public Comment

View: "Coffee Time Sinks Canyon Sunnyside Trail Project to soon enter public comment phase; tune in for details" Radio Spot >> 


The Sunnyside trail is designed as an beginner-intermediate non-motorized multi-use trail providing crucial access from the Rise up to the Climber's parking area.

This approximately 2-mile natural surface trail is designed to maintain a 4% (beginner) grade and 36-inch width and parallel the highway to provide locals and visitors with safe, accessible travel between existing assets in the park. The goal is to preserve as much habitat as possible while achieving a natural experience for trail users. This trail has been developed in collaboration with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Sinks Canyon State Park, and the Lander Cycling Club.

  • The proposed Sunnyside Trail is a multi-user trail for walkers, hikers and bikers. It is not open to horses or traditional motorized vehicles. 
  • The trail will be 36" wide in most places which would allow mobility devices like track chairs to safely experience a trail within SCSP. Mobility devices would be the only exception to the motorized vehicle rule. 
  • The trail will offer a safe route for guests who have traditionally walked or cycled on the highway, which is a safety hazard. 
  • SCSP has consulted with the Eastern Shoshone, Northern Arapaho, and State Historic Preservation Offices in the selection of the trail route.  
  • SCSP has consulted with Game & Fish to determine the route of least impact for wildlife. There will be seasonal winter/spring closures that  Game & Fish   will set based on the needs of the wildlife.  
  • SCSP is working with Weed and Pest to develop a weed management plan to minimize the spread of weeds during and after construction. 
  • The trail route was designed primarily by Rio Rose (Lander Cycling Club) with consultation by Caleb Owen (State Parks Non-Motorized Trail Crew). 
  • Trail construction will include some work with a mini-excavator and then hand tool work.  There will be minimal impact to the surrounding ground/habitat and all efforts will be made to protect the natural resource. 
  • Construction dates have not been determined and will be based on the public input  timeline and response. 

Sinks Canyon State Park
The Sunnyside Trail Project Documents

Sinks Canyon State Park
The Sunnyside Trail Project Documents


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If you would like to get involved or want to stay up to date, contact:

Jessica Moore, Sinks Canyon State Park Superintendent


Site Status


Please Note: Water is shut off in our campgrounds, weahter dependent, from mid-October to mid-May. Call to inquire about specific dates. 



  • Facilities are open to the public from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. year-round. After 10pm, all campground visitors must be staying at the campground.
  • The Visitor Center is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 22 through September 4.



Phone Number


307-332-6333 Headquarters

307-332-3077 Visitor Center (June-August) 





 Sinks Canyon State Park
 3079 Sinks Canyon Rd
 Lander, WY 82520

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