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Wyoming State Parks is commemorating the 50th anniversary of Medicine Lodge State Archaeological Site with a series of events during 2023. 

Throughout the coming year several programs and special events have been planned with the main celebration event taking place on June 24, 2023.  Event details will be posted at wyoparks.org  and via social media.

In January 1973, what is now known as Medicine Lodge State Archaeological Site became part of the Wyoming Recreation Commission (now Wyoming State Parks) through a cooperative agreement with the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission.  The Wyoming Recreation Commission was tasked with protecting the archaeological resources within the site and establishing a public recreation area for public enjoyment. 

Over the past 50 years, the park has developed campsites, installed restrooms, improved public horse corrals, and most recently constructed an addition to park headquarters that will become the Medicine Lodge Cultural Experience, opening summer 2023. 

Ongoing interpretation of the site’s cultural resources has helped the public appreciate the importance of protecting these resources for future generations. 

“As we celebrate 50 years of Medicine Lodge as a State Park it’s important to remember that people have been living here for more than 10,000 years”, says Park Superintendent Heather Jolley.  “Medicine Lodge continues to be committed to improving communities and enriching lives”, she adds.

In celebration of 50 years, Medicine Lodge will be hosting a photo contest throughout the year culminating in a 2024 site specific calendar.  Photo winners selected will receive a free copy of the calendar and receive photo credit.  Photographers of all levels are invited to participate in this contest.  Additional calendars will be printed and available for purchase at the park headquarters/gift shop (price TBD).

Photo Contest Rules:

·         The contest will run from December 2022 – November 2023 (to allow time for printing). 

·         Photos must be submitted by the 5th of each month.

·         Photos submitted should coincide with the month or season the photo is being submitted.

·         Photos should not contain any visible faces of people.

·         Photos should be landscape orientation.

·         Top 3 finalists will be selected by park staff and posted on social media for public voting (open for 1 week).

·         Monthly winner announced by the 15th of each month.

·         Please submit high resolution photos via email to heather.jolley@wyo.gov 

·         Disclaimer: By submitting a photo, you are agreeing that the photo may be used in the 2024 Medicine Lodge calendar and posted on social media (photo credit will be given).

*****Visitors are encouraged to visit the park throughout the seasons*****

For more information, please contact Park Superintendent Heather Jolley at 307.469.2234 or heather.jolley@wyo.gov



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