Recreation at Keyhole State Park is expected to remain close to normal despite current high water levels that have affected the Wind Creek and Pat’s Point campgrounds. Currently, 13 camp sites at Wind Creek Campground and five at Pat’s Point are not accessible and two camp sites in Pat's Point are not usable. However, approximately 160 remaining camp sites on the park are still useable. In addition to high water levels, the reservoir is also still frozen over. In addition to high water levels, the reservoir is also still frozen over. According to information provided by the Bureau of Reclamation, current reservoir elevation is at 4,101.67 with inflows at approximately 1,300 cubic feet per second due to snowmelt upstream of the reservoir. The National Keyhole will increase the release out of the outlet works today to approx. 315 cfs, along with approx. 220 cfs out of the spillway for a total release of approx. 535 cfs. The Bureau of Reclamation has coordinated with the Corp of Engineers, and continues to increase releases through the outlet works as flood waters on the Belle Fourche River subside. For more information, contact Wyo Parks Headquarters at 307-777-6323. Share this article: A Division of Wyoming State Parks & Cultural Resources 2301 Central Avenue, 4th Floor, Cheyenne, WY 82002 307-777-6323,