Written bids for 14 animals from the state bison herd will be accepted at the Hot Springs State Park office in Thermopolis until 5 p.m., January 3 for the purchase of the following bison: four 2017 heifer calves, five 2017 bull calves, two 2016 yearling bulls, one 2016 yearling heifer, one two-year-old bull and one 10-year-old bull. All animals have all been properly vaccinated. Minimum bids are as follows: $2,500 for 2016 yearlings, $1,800 for 2017 calves, $3,500 for the two-year-old bull (potential breeding bull) and $5,000 for the 10-year-old breeding bull. Bids will be accepted for any or all of these bison. Each animal offered will be sold to the highest bidder, subject to the minimum bid specified in the sales list provided by the State. Buyers may begin picking up their animals on January 8. For bison information, please call Jody Lange at 307-921-2610 or John Fish at 307-921-1965 or Kevin Skates at 307-921-2057. The Hot Springs State Park headquarters number is 307-864-2176. All settlements will be made with the Superintendent of Hot Springs State Park within seven days of successful bid notification.