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May 7, 2024

Wyoming State Parks and Latino Outdoors Partner for Immersive Campout at Hot Springs State Park

For the third consecutive year, Wyoming State Parks is thrilled to be collaborating with Latino Outdoors to provide another amazing summer campout!

This year, the event will take place at Hot Springs State Park June 21-23. The event is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is required and spots are limited for this special event. 

The title for this year’s campout is “Water is Life, Water is Comunidad: Connecting WY Latino Community with WY Water.”

This exciting and impactful event invites families and individuals of all experience levels to explore the wonders of Wyoming's natural landscapes. We will uncover the essence of the park, the hot springs, as well as dinosaurs, canoeing, and birding! 

“We're excited to partner with Latino Outdoors again to create this unique campout experience,” said Kyle Bernis, Shoshone District Manager for Wyoming State Parks.  “This event celebrates the beauty of our state parks while fostering appreciation for the outdoors amongst all communities.”

Partners in this effort include Audubon Rockies, Wyoming Latina Youth Center, and Wyoming Chapter Sierra Club, and UW Department of Geology & Geophysics. 

“Latino Outdoors is committed to connecting more Latino families with the transformative power of nature and place-based education,” said Cassie Castillo of Latino Outdoors.  “This campout at Hot Springs State Park offers a fantastic opportunity to explore, learn, celebrate culture, share stories, and build lasting memories together.”

Registration is live and can be found at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/latino-outdoors-wyoming-hot-springs-state-park-summer-campout-tickets-875456131857

For more information, contact Angelina Stancampiano via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Cassie Castillo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Agua es vida, agua es comunidad: conectando la comunidad latina de Wyoming con las aguas locales y acampando en Hot Springs State Park

¡Por tercer año, Wyoming State Parks está encantado de asociarse con Latino Outdoors para ofrecer un campamento! Este año, el evento se llevará a cabo en Hot Springs State Park del 21 al 23 de junio. El evento es gratuito y abierto al público, pero el cupo es limitado y se requiere inscripción. ¡Comprométase a asistir cuando se registre!

Este emocionante evento invita a familias e individuos de todos los niveles de experiencia a explorar las maravillas de los paisajes naturales de Wyoming.¡Cubriremos la esencia del parque, las aguas termales, así como la historia de los dinosaurios, el piragüismo y la observación de aves!

Los socios incluyen Audubon Rockies, Wyoming Latina Youth Center, Wyoming Chapter Sierra Club y el Departamento de Geología y Geofísica de la Universidad de Wyoming.

"Estamos entusiasmados de asociarnos nuevamente con Latino Outdoors para crear esta experiencia de campamento única", dijo Kyle Bernis, gerente del distrito Shoshone de Wyoming State Parks. "Este evento celebra la belleza de nuestros parques estatales y al mismo tiempo fomenta el aprecio por el aire libre entre todas las comunidades".

“Latino Outdoors está comprometido a conectar a más familias latinas con el poder de la naturaleza y la educación basada en el lugar", dijo Cassie Castillo de Latino Outdoors. "El fin de semana en Hot Springs State Park ofrece una oportunidad fantástica para aprender, explorar, celebrar nuestra cultura, compartir historias y construir juntos recuerdos inolvidables”.





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