Important Information:

Wyoming State Parks is interested in adding camping opportunities at Bear River State Park. Please download the following flyer to find out more:

Activities & Amenities

(Click images to learn more about the various Activities & Amenities)

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About Our Site - Bear River State Park

Bear River State Park is a 324 acre day use only park. It is home to small herds of bison and elk and boasts several miles of both paved and packed gravel trails. The Bear River State Park Visitor Center is hosts taxidermy displays that showcase Wyoming’s impressive array of wildlife as well as live native snakes. The Visitor Center provides travelers with state of Wyoming tourism information.

Bear River State Park host Mountain Man Rendezvous Aug. 24-27



One of Wyoming State Park’s longest-running celebrations continues this weekend with the 36th Annual Bear River Mountain Man Rendezvous August 24-27.

This fun and educational event celebrates the life of the fur trader and mountain man featuring a variety of demonstrations and competitions including Mountain Man skills, Hawk and Knife Throw, black powder shoot, flint knapping, a blacksmith, a fry pan toss, dutch oven cookout and more.

The fun begins at 10 a.m. on Friday, 8 a.m. on Saturday, and 9 a.m. on Sunday.

On Saturday, the public is invited to enjoy the Buck-Skinner Ball beginning at 8 p.m. and featuring the Mountain Man music of Tom and Carol Messerly.

Tents, tipis, and camps offer visitors a chance to explore the charms and surprises of an early 1800s setting at their own pace.

All events are free and open to the public.




Site Status


Bear River State Park is open year-round!  Check out our hours of operation to find a great time to come visit!




Park Hours:

  • 8:00am to sunset, year round

Visitor Center Hours: 

Winter Hours (Oct 1 - Apr 15):  8:00am - 5:00pm Thur - Mon  

CLOSED: Tue & Wed, Holidays



Phone Number


(307) 789-6547





Bear River State Park
601 Bear River Dr.
Evanston, WY 82930

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