Wyoming State Park Ranger.png
Contact: Chief Ranger Mark Caughlan, 307-214-9818; mark.caughlan@wyo.gov
Wyoming State Parks Law Enforcement Prioritizes Customer Service and Education through "Ranger First" Philosophy 


CHEYENNE, Wyo. – February 20, 2025 – While Wyoming’s State Park Rangers meet the same training and certification standards as other state law enforcement agencies, they are dedicated to a mission that differs in many ways from traditional police work. With an emphasis on customer service and education, they are committed to enhancing the experience of Wyoming residents and visitors as they explore the state's diverse natural and cultural attractions. 


"Our rangers are more than just law enforcement officers; they serve as ambassadors for Wyoming's state parks and historic sites," stated Chief Ranger Mark Caughlan of Wyoming State Parks. "By embracing the Ranger First philosophy, which is based on community-oriented policing, we prioritize customer service and education, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for everyone who visits."


This philosophy emphasizes the importance of visibility within the parks, enhancing the visitor experience and fostering educational outreach. It also takes a proactive stance toward problem-solving through a people-centered approach. Key elements of this strategy involve actively engaging with stakeholders and the local community, ensuring transparency in operations, and equipping visitors with resources that enhance their knowledge and promote safety awareness. 


"State Park Rangers are essential in enhancing public enjoyment while ensuring safety and resource protection. Our responsibilities extend beyond enforcement to include education, emergency response, and facilitating recreational activities like boating and mountain biking," added Caughlan. 


For more information on Wyoming State Parks and the emphasis on customer service and education, visit wyoparks.wyo.gov/index.php/home-park-rangers


Figure 1.png Figure 2.png

Figure 1: A Wyoming State Park Ranger visits with park guests. Figure 2: A Wyoming State Park Ranger awaits park guests at Curt Gowdy State Park's Visitor Center. 


Contact: Chief Ranger Mark Caughlan, 307-214-9818; mark.caughlan@wyo.gov