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August 16, 2024

Wyoming State Parks and Historic Sites See Second Highest Visitation Ever in 2023: New recreational and educational programs and opportunities popular with visitors.

With Wyoming boasting the fourth-fastest growing outdoor economy in the nation, 2023 visitation numbers at State Parks and Historic Sites reflect that upward trend.

Last year’s total visitation of nearly 5.3 million was the second largest in history and reflected an increase of approximately 54,000 over 2022. Those numbers are only surpassed by visitation registered during 2021 when outdoor recreation exploded due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overall, visitation to both state parks and historic sites saw an increase of one percent over 2022 numbers and a two percent increase over the five-year average. The continued growth of state park visitation during the past several years is an indicator that the efforts of staff to implement infrastructure improvements and new programming are working.

The Cowboy State’s park system continues to provide innovative recreational and educational programming during recent years that have proven to be extremely popular. These programs, ranging from hikes to bird and wildlife presentations to stargazing events, and many others, continue to draw both local and out-of-state visitors to the parks.

"Wyoming’s outdoor recreation and tourism economies continue to play a critical role in the state’s economic vitality and quality of life of our residents and visitors,” said Patrick Harrington, Manager of the Wyoming Office of Outdoor Recreation. “We are fortunate to live in a state that recognizes these benefits and that continues to inspire folks from around the world to experience and enjoy Wyoming’s great outdoors."

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis’ most recent report, Wyoming’s top five contributing outdoor recreation activity categories include RVing, hunting, shooting and trapping, snow activities, boating and fishing, and equestrian, many of which can be enjoyed at various parks and historic sites across the state.

During 2023, nine out of 15 state parks registered an increase in visitation compared to 2022, while 13 of 16 historic sites saw an increase.  Hot Springs State Park once again led the way in overall visitation with more than 1.5 million.

Wyoming’s newest state historic site, the Quebec 01 Missile Alert Facility, located approximately 30 miles north of Cheyenne on I-25, saw the largest percent increase over the previous year at 37 percent.

“Through support from Visit Cheyenne and our agency, we were able to put billboards along I-25 and I-80 that helped guide visitors to our site.  Once they arrive, guests are treated to a one-of-a-kind experience being able to see the launch control center for the Peacekeeper missile, the most powerful and accurate weapon system ever developed by the United States,” said Christina Bird, District Manager for Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites and Trails. 

To learn more about Wyoming State Parks and Historic Sites and/or to view visitation statistics, please visit

Established by recommendation of the 2017 Governor’s Outdoor Recreation Task Force, the Office of Outdoor Recreation aims to diversify Wyoming’s economy by expanding, enhancing, and promoting responsible recreational opportunities through collaboration, outreach, and coordination with stakeholders, landowners, private industry, and public officials. 

Learn more about the Office and future community collaboratives by following us on social media or visiting