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August 16, 2024

The Wyoming Office of Outdoor Recreation facilitates eight outdoor recreation collaboratives convened throughout the state to bring together local community members, recreation stakeholders, businesses, conservation groups, federal and state agencies, and elected officials to identify and prioritize grassroot opportunities for the growth and enhancement of outdoor recreation.

Dates, times, locations, and call-in information for upcoming Collaborative meetings are as follows:

Wind River Outdoor Recreation Collaborative (WRORC - Fremont County) will meet on Tuesday, August 20th from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., online only. Video call link: or dial: ‪(US) +1 470-241-4712 PIN: ‪778 387 798#. At the May meeting, members discussed new and ongoing projects and heard updates from local communities and advisors. The agenda for the upcoming meeting includes two guest speakers, project updates, and advisor updates.

Southeast Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Collaborative (SWORC - Albany and Carbon Counties) will meet on Thursday, August 22nd from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., online only. Video call link: or dial: ‪(US) +1 402-789-6745 PIN: ‪258 992 402#. At the previous meeting in May, members learned about the Carbon County Tourism Master Plan. Updates were given on two subcommittees and numerous updates were provided by members and advisors. On the agenda for the August meeting are two guest speakers, updates on the three subcommittees, and advisor updates.

Sweetwater County Outdoor Recreation Collaborative (SCORC - Sweetwater County) will meet on Tuesday, September 10th from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., online only. Video call link: or dial: ‪(US) +1 904-580-9936 PIN: ‪741 736 596#. At the May meeting, members were given a presentation on the Northern Red Desert and updates were provided by advisors and project leads. The tentative agenda for September includes project introductions/updates, a guest speaker, and advisor updates.

Members of the public are welcome to attend collaborative meetings virtually. There will be a designated time for public comment near the end of each meeting.

Established by recommendation of the 2017 Governor’s Outdoor Recreation Task Force, the Office of Outdoor Recreation aims to diversify Wyoming’s economy by expanding, enhancing, and promoting responsible recreational opportunities through collaboration, outreach, and coordination with stakeholders, landowners, private industry, and public officials. 

Learn more about the Office and future community collaboratives by following us on social media or visiting