About Our Site - South Pass City Historic Site


South Pass City has a variety of interesting and educational activities for visitors throughout the summer. Take a walk through the restored townsite, where you will visit family cabins, a hotel and restaurant, the jail, and other historic buildings. When the presence of volunteer staff permits you can enjoy an ice cold sarsaparilla and a game of billiards on a restored 1860s period table and experience what shopping was like in an early 1900s general store. Each day you can pan for gold in the clear waters of Willow Creek, don't forget to pick up a vial to keep your gold in from the Dance Hall Gift Shop on your way into the site. 


spcMill-at-Night2-1South Pass City Mills at Night

For folks with as much interest in nature as history, South Pass City is home to three different hiking trails where you can enjoy viewing some of the area's wide array of wildlife, while still learning about the history of the area from interpretive signs on the trails.


The Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (CDT) also passes through town. Popular among serious hikers and mountain bikers, the CDT runs the length of the Rocky Mountains from Canada to Mexico. Each year, numerous bikers and hikers utilizing this trail and visit the site. Many enjoy a tour through town before continuing on their journey.