Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites and Trails (SPHST) is offering funding for trail-related projects throughout the State of Wyoming. Wyoming Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Grants are administered through the Federal Highway Administration and are derived from federal gas taxes paid on fuel used in off-highway vehicles.


RTP Program Contact: Louisa Lopez, Grants Manager

phone 307-777-6491 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



May: The Application Process opens

September 1st: Pre-Application Form is due by 11:59 PM

By the second week in September: Pre-Applicants will be advised if they are approved to proceed to full application

October 1st: Final Application Package is due by 11:59 PM

November: Trails Advisory Council meeting to approve project funding recommendations

December: Applicants will be notified if their project is approved for funding

May: The earliest date any approved projects will receive a Notice to Proceed


Reports & Forms - FY2025 Applications below!


RTP Funded Projects