Resources & Research


Snowmobile Survey

Prepared by:
Christopher T. Bastian, Anders Van Sandt, and Roger H. Coupal; Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wyoming

The 2020-2021 Wyoming Comprehensive Snowmobile Recreation Report focused on snowmobiling activity on the twelve trail systems and over 2,000 miles of snowmobile trails managed by the Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources. It surveyed resident and nonresident snowmobilers, along with snowmobile outfitter clients, at the end of the 2020-2021 winter season. The full report along with a summary of key findings can be downloaded below. The 138-page final report provides a wealth of information about the three sub-groups of Wyoming snowmobilers and covers perspectives related to use and spending patterns, demographics, and priorities for future management of the State Snowmobile Program.

The 2021 study determined snowmobiling generates over $255 million per year in total economic contributions to Wyoming’s economy. This stems from $194 million in direct annual spending by snowmobilers across Wyoming which supports the equivalent of 1,874 jobs and generates $17.6 million in annual state and local government revenue.



ORV Permits

Prepared by:
Wyoming State Trails Program, Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources.

2002 was the first year the public had the opportunity to purchase an ORV (off road vehicle) permit. This report shows the number of permits sold per county.


Off-Road Vehicle Survey

Prepared by:
Christopher T. Bastian, Anders Van Sandt, and Roger H. Coupal; Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wyoming

The 2021 Wyoming Comprehensive Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Recreation Report focused on recreational ORV activity across Wyoming. It surveyed resident and nonresident ORV riders during 2021. The full report along with a summary of key findings can be downloaded below. The 132-page final report provides a wealth of information about Wyoming ORV riders and covers perspectives related to use and spending patterns, demographics, and priorities for future management of the State ORV Trails Program.

The 2021 study determined ORV riding generates over $365 million per year in total economic contributions to Wyoming’s economy. This stems from $296 million in direct annual spending by riders across Wyoming which supports the equivalent of 1,996 jobs and generates $23.9 million in annual state and local government revenue.