Reservation: Reservations are required in this campground from May 15th through September 15th.
Amenities: Drinking Water, Vault Toilets (3), Boat Ramp and Courtesy Dock (High Water and Low Water), Day Use Group Shelters (2), ADA Accessible Camping Pads (3)
Whiskey Gulch is a large campground, which can be accessed directly off of Glendo Park Road, approximately 1 mile east of the main fee booth. The campground winds through a stand of cottonwoods on the lakeshore, and is very popular with boaters, thanks to its year-round water access from the high and low water boat ramps. During high water, the lowest cottonwoods and willows flood, and become a wonderful space for kayaking, canoeing, and fishing. Almost all campsites in Whiskey Gulch are at least partially shaded, with the exceptions of sites 11 through 13 and sites 23 through 25, which have no tree cover. For most of the summer, the campground provides plenty of space for water access and recreation. On the campground’s western end, is the Whiskey Gulch Group Shelter that is available for reservation, while the Pine Knob Shelter – at the campground’s center – is available on a first-come-first-served basis.